

时间:2014-11-03  来源: 文本大小:【 |  | 】  【打印
论文题目 刊物全称 标准刊号 年度 起止页 单位标注排名 全部作者名字 通讯作者 本单位首位作者排名 刊物收录类别 SCI/SSCI影响因子
Population abundance and body size of Calanus sinicus in marginal habitats in the coastal seas of south-eastern Hong Kong Marine Biological Association of the United Kingdom 0025-3154  2013 93 1 136-142 1 Zhang, GT,Wong, CK Wong, CK 1 SCI 1.17
Tempo-spatial Variation of Nutrient and Chlorophyll-a Concentrations From Summer to Winter in the ZhangziIsland Area (Northern Yellow Sea) Oceanic and Coastal Sea Research 1672-5182 2013 12 3 373-384 1 YIN Jiehui, ZHAO Zengxia, ZHANG Guangtao, WANG Shiwei, and WAN Aiyong1 ZHANG Guangtao 1 SCI 0.05
Annual variation in Calanus sinicus abundance and population structure in the northern boundary area of the Yellow Sea Cold Water Mass Chinese Journal of Oceanology and Limnology 0254-4059 2013 31 6 1284-1294 1 YIN Jiehui (尹洁慧), ZHANG Guangtao (张光涛) , ZHAO Zengxia (赵增霞),WANG Shiwei (王世伟) , WAN Aiyong (万艾勇) ZHANG Guangtao 1 SCI 0.557
Response of copepod grazing and reproduction to different taxa of spring bloom phytoplankton in the Southern Yellow Sea Deep-Sea Research-II 0967-0645 2013 0 97 101-108 1 李超伦,杨光,宁娟,孙军,杨波,孙松 李超伦 1 SCI 2.243
Use of RNA: DNA ratios to evaluate the condition and growth of the copepod Calanus sinicus in the Southern Yellow Sea Deep-Sea Research-II 0967-0646 2013 0 97 109-116 1 宁娟,李超伦,杨光,万艾勇,孙松 李超伦 1 SCI 2.243
Transcriptome Sequencing and De Novo Analysis of the Copepod Calanus sinicus Using 454 GS FLX Plos one 1932-6203 2013 8 5 1-8 1 宁娟,王敏晓,李超伦,孙松 李超伦 1 SCI 3.73
Feeding of dominant zooplankton in Prydz Bay, Antarctica, during austral spring/summer: food availability and species responses Polar Biology 0722-4060 2013 0 36 1701–1707 1 杨光,李超伦,孙松,张翠霞,何青 李超伦 1 SCI 2.006
DNA barcoding of Antarctic marine zooplankton for species identification and recognition Advances in Polar Science 1674-9928 2013 24 2 119-127 1 程方平,王敏晓,孙松,李超伦,张永山 孙松 1 CSCD  
中华哲水蚤(Calanus sinicus)个体核酸含量及其对生长状况的指示作用 海洋与湖沼 0029-814X 2013 44 3 734-740 1 宁娟,李超伦,孙松 孙松 1 CSCD  
冬季南黄海浮游动物群落结构及其对黄海暖流的指示 海洋与湖沼 0029-814X 2013 44 3 853-859 1 王亮,李超伦,于非 李超伦 1 CSCD  
南黄海梭形纽鳃樽昼夜垂直移动的初步研究 海洋与湖沼 0029-814X 2013 44 5 1-8 1 刘永芹,孙松,张光涛 孙松 1 CSCD  
秋季黄海中华哲水蚤(Calanus sinicus)脂肪酸组成及其指示作用 海洋与湖沼 0029-814X 2013 44 3 702-708 1 刘梦坛,李超伦, 孙 松, 金 鑫 孙松 1 CSCD  
基于图像技术的胶州湾浮游动物优势种体形参数与生物量转换关系研究 海洋与湖沼 0029-814X 2013 44 1 15-22 1 孙松 ,毕永坤,孙晓霞 孙晓霞 1 CSCD  
版权所有 © 联系地址:中国科学院山东胶州湾海洋生态系统国家野外科学观测研究站,青岛市南海路7号
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